MICROPLEAT filters feature a micro-glass media in a full range of materials and configurations to install in all types of housings and framing systems, from clean room ceiling grids and modules to
benches and self-contained equipment.
The Parker MICROPLEAT product line is comprised of four standard sizes.
Designed for applications up to 90 FPM, deliver HEPA filtration efficiency at 99.99% on 0.3 micron particles or ULPA filtration efficiency at 99.9995% on 0.12 microns.
Uniquely designed for lower air flow applications where uniform laminar air flow is needed, MICROPLEAT filters are available to meet both High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) and Ultra-Low Particulate Air (ULPA) minimum ratings up to 99.97% and 0.3 microns and 99.999% at 0.12 microns, respectively.